Reasons Why Reasons Why

Electro-Harmonix Soul Pog Pedal


Electro Harmonix Soul Food Overdrive


Electro-Harmonix Nano Pog Pedal


Electro-Harmonix Pedals

            When you buy an EHX pedal you’re not just getting into a cool new effect, you’re enrolling into an institution. Few companies in any industry have such a storied history quite like Electro-Harmonix. Many are familiar with the legendary Big Muff Fuzz Pedal, the Electric Mistress Delay and Small Stone Phaser but, not one to rest on well-deserved laurels, EHX is the tip of the spear when it comes to innovation, creativity and unique effects. Simply, Electro-Harmonix is in a class by itself, a manufacture that others aspire to be and since 1968, a company that has consistently raised the bar for the benefit of generations of musicians. Vacuum tubes anyone? EHX founder, Mike Mathews, deserves the thanks of millions of audiophiles, bass and guitar players for his contribution to ensuring that our tube amplifiers still have tubes to make them work! Even a shallow dive into the EHX universe is quantum leap in terms of discovering effects, sounds and tonal possibilities you didn’t even know existed.